of North Carolina

Connecting North Carolina's diverse energy economy

REGISTER NOW! Advance Registration ends April 23
April 29 – 30, 2025 | McKimmon Center, NC State University | Raleigh, NC

Sponsorship Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the 2025 State Energy Conference! With your support, leaders and decision-makers from industry, government, non-profits and other sectors within North Carolina’s energy industry can unite to network and explore the latest technologies and best practices.
Register as a Sponsor
Sponsorship levels for the conference are varied and provide promotional opportunities for organizations, attendance at all conference events, and an exhibit space inside the exhibit hall.

Questions? Please contact Shannon Helm for more information.
Interested in sponsoring the evening reception, luncheons or networking breaks? Contact us for availability and pricing!

Sponsorship Benefits







Custom benefits available

Representative from organization has the opportunity to provide brief remarks during the conference

Your logo on all conference promotional communications

Sponsor recognition on the conference Whova mobile app

Formal acknowledgment at keynote opening

Sponsorship acknowledged on social media (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn)

Logo, listed by sponsorship level on conference website

Virtual exhibit space (each company will have a specific webpage)

8x8 booth located in conference exhibit hall

Your logo shown throughout the conference

Lead Generation via QR Code on conference app (booth required)

Complimentary full conference registrations









Custom benefits available

Representative from organization has the opportunity to provide brief remarks during the conference

Your logo on all conference promotional communications

Sponsor recognition on the conference Whova mobile app

Formal acknowledgment at keynote opening

Sponsorship acknowledged on social media (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn)

Virtual exhibit space (each company will have a specific webpage)

8x8 booth located in conference exhibit hall

Your logo shown throughout the conference

Lead Generation via QR Code on conference app (booth required)

Complimentary full conference registrations



Custom benefits available

Representative from organization has the opportunity to provide brief remarks during the conference

Your logo on all conference promotional communications

Sponsor recognition on the conference Whova mobile app

Formal acknowledgment at keynote opening

Sponsorship acknowledged on social media (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn)

Virtual exhibit space (each company will have a specific webpage)

8x8 booth located in conference exhibit hall

Your logo shown throughout the conference

Lead Generation via QR Code on conference app (booth required)

Complimentary full conference registrations



Custom benefits available

Representative from organization has the opportunity to provide brief remarks during the conference

Your logo on all conference promotional communications

Sponsor recognition on the conference Whova mobile app

Formal acknowledgment at keynote opening

Sponsorship acknowledged on social media (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn)

Virtual exhibit space (each company will have a specific webpage)

8x8 booth located in conference exhibit hall

Your logo shown throughout the conference

Lead Generation via QR Code on conference app (booth required)

Complimentary full conference registrations



Custom benefits available

Representative from organization has the opportunity to provide brief remarks during the conference

Your logo on all conference promotional communications

Sponsor recognition on the conference Whova mobile app

Formal acknowledgment at keynote opening

Sponsorship acknowledged on social media (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn)

Virtual exhibit space (each company will have a specific webpage)

8x8 booth located in conference exhibit hall

Your logo shown throughout the conference

Lead Generation via QR Code on conference app (booth required)

Complimentary full conference registrations



Custom benefits available

Representative from organization has the opportunity to provide brief remarks during the conference

Your logo on all conference promotional communications

Sponsor recognition on the conference Whova mobile app

Formal acknowledgment at keynote opening

Sponsorship acknowledged on social media (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn)

Virtual exhibit space (each company will have a specific webpage)

8x8 booth located in conference exhibit hall

Your logo shown throughout the conference

Lead Generation via QR Code on conference app (booth required)

Complimentary full conference registrations



Custom benefits available

Representative from organization has the opportunity to provide brief remarks during the conference

Your logo on all conference promotional communications

Sponsor recognition on the conference Whova mobile app

Formal acknowledgment at keynote opening

Sponsorship acknowledged on social media (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn)

Virtual exhibit space (each company will have a specific webpage)

8x8 booth located in conference exhibit hall

Your logo shown throughout the conference

Lead Generation via QR Code on conference app (booth required)

Complimentary full conference registrations

For more information, contact Shannon Helm: 919.515.0353Send an email

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